Tag Archives | European Union

Treaty of European Union

In this article we will discuss about the treaty of European union. Introduction to Treaty of European Union: Several European countries established a common market under the Treaty of Rome (effective from 1958). This European Economic Community was eventually superseded by the Treaty of European Union (also called the Treaty of Maastricht or EC Treaty), which entered into force in [...]

By |2016-06-22T16:01:11+00:00June 22, 2016|International Taxation|Comments Off on Treaty of European Union

EC Interest and Royalties Directive

European Union: Under the EC Interest and Royalties Directive 2003/49/EC of June 3, 2003 (as amended), the Council of the European Union enacted a common system to relieve source taxation on inter-company interest and royalty payments between qualifying associated companies within the Community. The Directive eliminates withholding tax on cross-border interest and royalty payments to companies resident in an EU [...]

By |2016-06-13T06:12:39+00:00June 13, 2016|International Taxation|Comments Off on EC Interest and Royalties Directive

EC Parent-Subsidiary Directive

The EC Parent-Subsidiary Directive 90/435/EEC applies to profit distributions among companies in the European Union. The provisions were amended by Directive 2003/ 123/EC dated December 22, 2003; they are enforceable on all Member States as from January 2005 ("2003 amendment"). The Directive ensures elimination of both economic and juridical double taxation on cross-border profit distributions among companies of Member States. [...]

By |2016-06-13T06:12:39+00:00June 13, 2016|International Taxation|Comments Off on EC Parent-Subsidiary Directive
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