Tag Archives | International Taxation

Participation Exemption for Taxation in Various Countries

Many jurisdictions define the term "participation exemption" widely to include any method used to avoid economic double taxation on inter-corporate dividends from shareholdings or participations. Therefore, it includes both the relief on dividend income under the special rules of "participation exemption" (also called "affiliation privilege"), and "dividend- received deduction." Under the domestic participation exemption rules, the dividend income is exempt [...]

By |2016-06-13T06:12:40+00:00June 13, 2016|International Taxation|Comments Off on Participation Exemption for Taxation in Various Countries

Imputation System of Taxation in Various Countries

In this article we will discuss about imputation system of taxation in various countries. The imputation system taxes a company and then grants a partial or full dividend credit to the shareholders against the corporate tax paid by the company. The shareholders claim the imputed credits and either offset them against their own tax liability or receive a refund. This [...]

By |2016-06-13T06:12:40+00:00June 13, 2016|International Taxation|Comments Off on Imputation System of Taxation in Various Countries

Tax System of Company Shareholders | International Taxation

Company Shareholder Taxation:: Under the classical or separate system of taxation, the company's profits are taxed without any distinction between distributed and undistributed profits. The after-tax profits are taxed again in the hands of the shareholders (corporate or individual) when paid as dividends. As a result, the same profits are taxed twice: first at the corporate level and again when [...]

By |2016-06-13T06:12:40+00:00June 13, 2016|International Taxation|Comments Off on Tax System of Company Shareholders | International Taxation
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