Tag Archives | Taxation

Shifting and Incidences of Tax

 The Meaning of Impact, Incidence and Shifting: When a tax is levied, its first impact will be felt by the person, who actually makes the tax payment. He may be an income-receiver, property owner or a buyer or seller of goods arid services. He may bear the tax himself. In some instances, he may be able to shift the burden [...]

By |2016-07-12T14:18:13+00:00July 12, 2016|Taxation|Comments Off on Shifting and Incidences of Tax

3 Major Economic Effects of Taxation | Public Revenue

Dalton discusses the economic effect of taxation under the following three heads: 1. Effect of Taxation on Production, 2. Effect of Taxation on Distribution 3. Other Effects. 1. Effect of Taxation on Production: According to Dalton effect of taxation on production can be in the following three ways: (a) Effect on ability to work, save and invest. (b) Effect upon [...]

By |2016-07-12T14:18:13+00:00July 12, 2016|Taxation|Comments Off on 3 Major Economic Effects of Taxation | Public Revenue

Treaty of European Union

In this article we will discuss about the treaty of European union. Introduction to Treaty of European Union: Several European countries established a common market under the Treaty of Rome (effective from 1958). This European Economic Community was eventually superseded by the Treaty of European Union (also called the Treaty of Maastricht or EC Treaty), which entered into force in [...]

By |2016-06-22T16:01:11+00:00June 22, 2016|International Taxation|Comments Off on Treaty of European Union
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