Tag Archives | Working Capital Finance

Top 10 Sources of Working Capital Finance | Business

The following points highlight the top ten sources of working capital finance. The sources are: 1. Intercorporate Loans and Deposits 2. Commercial Paper (CP) 3. Funds Generated from Operations 4. Retained Profit 5. Depreciation Provision 6. Amortisation Provisions 7. Deferred Tax Payments 8. Accrued Expenses 9. Deposits and Advances 10. Public Deposits. Source # 1. Intercorporate Loans and Deposits: In [...]

By |2016-12-12T08:06:13+00:00December 12, 2016|Working Capital|Comments Off on Top 10 Sources of Working Capital Finance | Business

Working Capital Finance from Banks

Banks in India today constitute the major suppliers of working capital credit to any business activity. Recently some term lending financial institutions have also announced schemes for working capital financing. The two committees viz., Tandon Committee and Chore Committee have evolved definite guidelines and parameters in working capital financing, which have laid the foundations for development and innovation in the [...]

By |2016-12-12T08:06:13+00:00December 12, 2016|Financial Management|Comments Off on Working Capital Finance from Banks
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