Archive | Balance of Payments

Balance of Payments: Mechanisms, Components, Disequilibrium, Measures and Challenges

Balance of Payments! Read this article to learn about Balance of Payments: Mechanisms, Components, Disequilibrium, Measures and Challenges Before Indian Foreign Trade. Balance of Payments: Mechanisms, Components, Disequilibrium, Measures and Challenges Balance of Payments - Introduction Balance of payments of a country is a "systematic record of all economic and commer­cial transactions between the residents of the reporting country and [...]

By |2019-01-08T16:36:05+00:00January 8, 2019|Balance of Payments|Comments Off on Balance of Payments: Mechanisms, Components, Disequilibrium, Measures and Challenges

Balance of Payments: Meaning, Types and Equilibrium

After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Meaning of Balance of Payments 2. Types of Balance Payment 3. Relationship between Balance of Trade and Balance of Payment 4. Equilibrium 5. Causes of Dis-Equilibrium. Contents: Meaning of Balance of Payments Types of Balance Payment Relationship between Balance of Trade and Balance of Payment Equilibrium of Balance of Payments Causes [...]

By |2016-06-18T06:57:31+00:00June 18, 2016|Balance of Payments|Comments Off on Balance of Payments: Meaning, Types and Equilibrium
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