Archive | Management Accounting

Management Accounting: Meaning, Nature, Characteristics, Objectives, Tools, Advantages and Limitations

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of  Management Accounting 2. Nature of Management Accounting 3. Characteristics 4. Objectives and Functions 5. Tools and Techniques 6. Installation of Management Accounting System 7. Organisation 8. Advantages/ Merits/ Uses 9. Limitations. Management Accounting: Meaning, Nature, Characteristics, Objectives, Tools, Advantages and Limitations Contents: Meaning of  Management Accounting Nature of Management Accounting [...]

By |2018-06-18T11:02:00+00:00June 18, 2018|Management Accounting|Comments Off on Management Accounting: Meaning, Nature, Characteristics, Objectives, Tools, Advantages and Limitations

Top 11 Techniques used in Management Accounting

The following points highlight the top eleven techniques management accounting. The techniques are: 1. Financial Planning 2. Analysis of Financial Statements 3. Historical Cost Accounting 4. Standard Costing 5. Budgetary Control 6. Marginal Costing 7. Funds Flow Statement 8. Cash Flow Statement 9. Decision Making 10. Revaluation Accounting 11. Statistical and Graphical Techniques 12. Communicating. Management Accounting: Technique # 1. Financial Planning: [...]

By |2016-06-18T06:58:43+00:00June 18, 2016|Techniques|Comments Off on Top 11 Techniques used in Management Accounting

10 Major Limitations of Management Accounting

The following points highlight the ten major limitations of management accounting. The limitations are: 1. Based on Records 2. Lack of Knowledge and Understanding of the Related Subjects 3. Intuitive Decisions 4. Lack of Continuity and Coordination 5. No Substitute of Administration 6. Lack of Objectivity 7. Unquantifiable Variables 8. Costly 9. Not in Final Stage 10. Psychological Resistance. Management [...]

By |2016-06-18T06:58:43+00:00June 18, 2016|Limitations|Comments Off on 10 Major Limitations of Management Accounting
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