Archive | Government

Accounting for State and Local Governments

In this article we will discuss about how the accounting for state and local governments is done. Introduction to the Accounting for State and Local Governments: In the United States, literally thousands of state and local government reporting entities touch the lives of the citizenry on a daily basis. In addition to the federal and 50 state governments, there are [...]

By |2018-05-16T07:35:55+00:00May 16, 2018|Government|Comments Off on Accounting for State and Local Governments

Accounting for Governmental Funds

The unique aspects of the accounting process utilized within the governmental funds are the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Capital Projects Funds, Debt Service Funds, and Permanent Funds. It is in these funds where the dis­tinct approach of governmental accounting can best be seen. Because of the dual nature of the reporting process, much of this accounting must be demonstrated [...]

By |2018-05-16T07:35:55+00:00May 16, 2018|Government|Comments Off on Accounting for Governmental Funds

Financial Statements: Government-Wide and Fund-Based | Accounting

At the core of a governmental reporting entity's comprehensive annual financial report are the general purpose financial statements. These state­ments are made up of government-wide financial statements and fund-based financial state­ments. Government-wide statements present financial information for both governmental activities and business-type activities. These statements measure economic resources and uti­lize accrual accounting. The fund-based statements separately present the governmental funds, [...]

By |2018-05-16T07:35:54+00:00May 16, 2018|Government|Comments Off on Financial Statements: Government-Wide and Fund-Based | Accounting
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