The following points highlight top twenty functions of a financial controller in a large business. The functions are: 1. Provision of Capital 2. Investor Relations 3. Short-Term Financing 4. Banking and Custody 5. Credit and Collections 6. Insurance 7. Investments 8. Planning for Control 9. Reporting and Interpreting 10. Evaluating and Consulting 11. Tax Administration 12. Government Reporting and a Few Others.

Function # 1. Provision of Capital:

To establish and execute programs for the provision of capital required by the business.

Function # 2. Investor Relations:


To establish and maintain an adequate market for the company’s securities and to maintain adequate liaison with investment bankers, financial analysts and shareholders.

Function # 3. Short-Term Financing:

To maintain adequate sources for company’s current borrowing from commercial banks and other lending institutions.

Function # 4. Banking and Custody:


To maintain banking arrangement, to receive, have custody of and disburse the company’s monies and securities.

Function # 5. Credit and Collections:

To direct the granting of credit and the collection of accounts due to the company, including the supervision of required special arrangements for financing sales, such as time payment and leasing plans.

Function # 6. Insurance:


To provide insurance coverage as required.

Function # 7. Investments:

To achieve the company’s funds required, and to establish policies for investment in pension and other similar trusts.

Function # 8. Planning for Control:


To establish, coordinate and administer an adequate plan for the control of operations.

Function # 9. Reporting and Interpreting:

To compare performance with operating plans and standards, and to report and interpret the results of operations to all levels of management and to the owners of the business.

Function # 10. Evaluating and Consulting:


To consult with all segments of management responsible for policy or action concerning any phase of the operation of the business as it relates to the attainment of objectives and the effectiveness of policies, organization structure and procedures.

Function # 11. Tax Administration:

To establish and administer tax policies and procedures.

Function # 12. Government Reporting:


To supervise or coordinate the preparation of reports to Government agencies.

Function # 13. Protection of Assets:

To ensure protection of assets for the business through internal control, internal auditing and proper insurance coverage.

Function # 14. Economic Appraisal:


To appraise continuously economic, social forces and Government influences, and to interpret their effect upon the business.

Function # 15. Managing Funds:

To maintain sufficient funds to meet the financial obligations.

Function # 16. Measuring of Return:

To determine required rate of return for investment proposals.

Function # 17. Cost Control:


To facilitate cost control and cost reduction by establishment of budgets and standards.

Function # 18. Price Setting:

To supply necessary information for setting of prices of products and services of the concern.

Function # 19. Forecasting Profits:

To collect relevant data to make forecast of future profit levels.

Function # 20. Forecast Cash-Flow:

To forecast the sources of cash and its probable payments and to maintain necessary liquidity of concern.